It is actually quite fascinating to look at the chart of Bitcoin. You will get to hear some Bitcoin success story India and you need not get carried away by that. There are also those friendly tipsters who will advise on how to earn Bitcoins in India. If one were to look at the 5-year Bitcoin chart below, there are 2 things that stand out. Firstly, the rally in Bitcoins is one of the craziest in all of history or at least close to being the craziest. Secondly, the huge returns on Bitcoins have also come at the cost of huge volatility.
Avoid investing in things you do not understand
Don’t worry about missing the Bitcoin train
Prices will always climb farther than you think is possible
Big gains come with big volatility
Be cautious of those who jump on the bandwagon
Market has the capacity to speculate on almost anything
There are flaws in the monetary system that needs to be fixed