4 mins read
Understanding the CPSE ETF and how to use InvIT in it


What is the CPSE ETF and how to invest in CPSE ETF in India? As the name suggests, the CPSE refers to some of the most blue chip central public sector enterprises (CPSE) in India. The CPSE ETF is run by Reliance Mutual Fund and mirrors the performance of these 10 Navaratnas PSU stocks. Like any other ETF, the CPSE ETF is also an equity security that tracks the PSU index. Additionally, retail investors in the ETF are also entitled to a special discount during the new fund offerings as well as a loyalty bonus if they stayed invested for a longer tenure. Like any ETF, the CPSE ETF can also be bought and sold in the equity market and can be held in your demat account. Trades in the CPSE ETF can be executed through your normal equity trading account. Find below the latest portfolio of the CPSE ETF as of January 31st 2018 along with the market share of the major stocks..

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