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How to modify pan card

PAN card correction

When you get a PAN card, there may be quite a few reasons for you to make changes. For example, you may shift your house and you may need to update the address in your PAN card database. Alternatively, you may choose to change your mobile or email id and that again calls for a fresh application. When women get married they often change their name and in such cases, you are required to give an application for modification of your details in the PAN card. The process of modification of PAN details is exactly the same as a fresh application and that can also be done online. Let us look in details at how to modify PAN card details online. You can also make any PAN card correction online and this can be your modus operandi.

Here is how to make changes to your PAN online

If you want to make changes in the existing PAN such as change in name, date of birth etc, you can apply for it online. The procedure is almost the same as you apply for new PAN except in case of corrections in PAN, you also need to submit the documents to support the change required in PAN. Some of the key steps are as under:

Fill the online application form for making changes/corrections in PAN on the NSDL website. It is the same as the new application form and the link is below:

There are a host of instructions to follow in terms of how to fill the form and how to submit documents. You must read these carefully. These instructions are available at the link below, which you can click on:

The charges for making changes in PAN are the same as a fresh application which is also Rs. 93 (excluding GST) for Indian communication address and Rs. 864 (excluding GST) for foreign communication address. Payment of application fee can be made through credit/debit card, demand draft or net-banking. On successful payment, acknowledgement will be displayed. Save this acknowledgement as it can be useful in case you need to communicate with NSDL regarding documents not received.

The last step is to send the documents across to the NSDL address in Pune, where the PAN cards are processed. Once the application and payment are accepted, the applicant is required to send the supporting documents through courier/post to NSDL. Only after the receipt of the documents, PAN application would be processed by NSDL. Documents sent should support the changes applied for in PAN appropriately. Request for the change in applicant’s or father’s name will have to be supported with a document that will contain proof of change of name from old to new. The documents that shall be accepted as proof in this case are.

In the case of married ladies, change of name on account of marriage will require as proof a copy of the marriage certificate, marriage invitation card, publication of ‘name-change’ in the gazette, a certificate from a gazetted officer stating name change, copy of passport showing husband’s name etc. Any of these documents are sufficient.

For persons other than married ladies, the document attached must be publication of  “name-change” in the gazette or certificate from a gazetted officer stating name change.

In case of private and public limited companies the certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) for name change is required. ROC handles the administration and regulation of Companies Act, 1956.

In case of partnership firms you can submit a copy of the revised Partnership Deed while other registered organizations like AOP / Trusts /BOI / AJP etc, need to submit the revised registration / deed / agreement.

When filling up the details of the changes, ensure that both the old details and the new details are entered precisely. Any discrepancy in the old details filled in with the original records will led to the application for change being rejected. Each time you make changes in details, there will be a fee. In one round, there is no restriction on how many changes you make. The charge for the service will remain the same. The charges are based on the number of times you submit the application.

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