Important Links
- MOSL Commission Disclosure Period 1.07.10 to 30.09.10
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.07.2020 to 30.09.2020
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2017 to 31.06.2017
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2010 to 31.12.2010
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2021 to 31.03.2021
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.10.2017 to 31.12.2017
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2011 to 30.06.2011
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.07.2021 to 30.09.2021
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.07.2018 to 30.09.2018
- MOSL Commission Disclosure Period 01.01.12 to 31.03.12
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2022 to 31.03.2022
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.1.2019 to 31.03.2019
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2013
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal for 1.07.2022 to 30.09.2022
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.07.2019 to 30.09.2019
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2013 to 30.06.2013
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal for 1.1.2023 to 31.03.2023
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2016 to 30.06.2016
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.07.2023 to 30.09.2023
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2024 to 31.06.2024
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2024 to 31.12.2024
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2010 to 31.12.2010
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2020 to 31.12.2020
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.07.2017 to 30.09.2017
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2011 to 31.03.2011
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.01.2018 to 31.03.2018
- MOSL Commission Disclosure Period 1.07.11 to 30.09.11
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2021 to 31.12.2021
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.10.2018 to 31.12.2018
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.10.2012 to 31.12.2012
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2022 to 30.06.2022
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.04.2019 to 31.06.2019
- Mutual Fund declaration
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal for 1.10.2022 to 31.12.2022
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 1.10.2019 to 31.12.2019
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2015 to 30.06.2015
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2023 to 30.06.2023
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.07.2016 to 30.09.2016
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.01.2024 to 31.03.2024
- Commission Disclosure Motilal Oswal 01.07.2024 to 31.09.2024
- Beware of fixed/guaranteed/regular returns/ capital protection schemes. Brokers or their authorized persons or any of their associates are not authorized to offer fixed/guaranteed/regular returns/ capital protection on your investment or authorized to enter into any loan agreement with you to pay interest on the funds offered by you. Please note that in case of default of a member claim for funds or securities given to the broker under any arrangement/ agreement of indicative return will not be accepted by the relevant Committee of the Exchange as per the approved norms.
- Do not keep funds idle with the Stock Broker. Please note that your stock broker has to return the credit balance lying with them, within three working days in case you have not done any transaction within last 30 calendar days. Please note that in case of default of a Member, claim for funds and securities, without any transaction on the exchange will not be accepted by the relevant Committee of the Exchange as per the approved norms.
- Check the frequency of accounts settlement opted for. If you have opted for running account, please ensure that your broker settles your account and, in any case, not later than once in 90 days (or 30 days if you have opted for 30 days settlement). In case of declaration of trading member as defaulter, the claims of clients against such defaulter member would be subject to norms for eligibility of claims for compensation from IPF to the clients of the defaulter member. These norms are available on Exchange website at following link: &
- Brokers are not permitted to accept transfer of securities as margin. Securities offered as margin/ collateral MUST remain in the account of the client and can be pledged to the broker only by way of ‘margin pledge’, created in the Depository system. Clients are not permitted to place any securities with the broker or associate of the broker or authorized person of the broker for any reason. Broker can take securities belonging to clients only for settlement of securities sold by the client.
- Always keep your contact details viz. Mobile number/Email ID updated with the stock broker. Email and mobile number is mandatory and you must provide the same to your broker for updation in Exchange records. You must immediately take up the matter with Stock Broker/Exchange if you are not receiving the messages from Exchange/Depositories regularly.
- Dont ignore any emails/SMSs received from the Exchange for trades done by you. Verify the same with the Contract notes/Statement of accounts received from your broker and report discrepancy, if any, to your broker in writing immediately and if the Stock Broker does not respond, please take this up with the Exchange/Depositories forthwith.
- Check messages sent by Exchanges on a weekly basis regarding funds and securities balances reported by the trading member, compare it with the weekly statement of account sent by broker and immediately raise a concern to the exchange if you notice a discrepancy.
- Please do not transfer funds, for the purposes of trading to anyone, including an authorized person or an associate of the broker, other than a SEBI registered Stock broker.
- With reference to the below mentioned circulars on precautions for clients dealing in options, we would like to inform you that exchange has advised us to create awareness amongst the clients/investors to sensitise and avoid practices like:
a) Sharing of trading credentials – login id & passwords including OTP’s.
b) Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses.
c) Writing/ selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks.
d) Dealing in unsolicited tips through WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, calls, etc.
e) Trading in “Options” based on recommendations from unauthorised / unregistered investment advisors and influencers.
Clients/investors are advised to refrain from engaging in any practice that is against the spirit of the guidelines issued by SEBI/Exchange.
Circular references: - BSE Circular ref no. 20220706-55.
- NSE Circular ref no. INSP/52900.
- MCX Circular ref no. INSP/418/2022.
- NCDEX Circular ref no. COMPLIANCE-047/2022
Managing Director and CEO
Whole Time Director
Managing Director and CEO
- 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
- On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
- Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
- Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.
Source :-
SEBI Circular
Vigilance Awareness Week
Vigilance Awareness Week is “भ्रष्टाचार का विरोध करे; राष्ट्र के प्रति समर्पित रहे ” Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation
The advisory on E- Integrity Pledge has been communicated by SEBI to be undertaken by all the intermediaries (including their directors/partners, employees and constituents).
In view of the above, it is requested to take necessary steps to administer the Integrity Pledge. Click on the link to take e-pledge and follow the instructions to administer the pledge.
Detailed step by step instructions are as follows: -
Click on the link
Take integrity Pledge
Enter your basic details
Select the language you want to read the pledge in - Read and take the pledge
If details have been entered last year, click on the ‘Download Certificate’ to received revised certificate for this year.
- Mobile Application Link (App Store) – Search IRRA to download IRRA Mobile App.
- Mobile Application Link (Play Store) – Search IRRA to download IRRA Mobile App.

Dear Investors,
We hereby issue advisory regarding “Impersonation and Unauthorised Market Practices” where certain unscrupulous persons / entities are using brand name and logo of “Motilal Oswal” and trying to run unauthorized and illegal activities.
We understand from the media reports that some unscrupulous persons/ entities operating through Indian and International mobile numbers, through impersonation on social media platforms and chat platform like WhatsApp Groups, Telegram Channels, Facebook, Instagram Channels, etc. are falsely claiming to be associated with “Motilal Oswal” and, showcasing fake certificates purportedly issued by SEBI/ Exchanges.
Also there may be a possibility that these unscrupulous persons / entities may use deepfake videos and images of employees or directors of our company to lure investors. They may create false website, social media handles, WhatsApp group that looks similar in the name and style of what is used by us.
In view of the above, it is advised to refrain from investing in unauthorized schemes /frauds / Apps promising unrealistic returns. Investors are advised to beware of fraudulent advertisements of stock market trading / free tips on social media apps / Whatsapps groups / phone calls / providing assured fixed or guaranteed returns / unauthorized PMS or Collective Investment Schemes.
For authentication of any offer in the name of “Motilal Oswal”, investor can visit Motilal Oswal’s official website / social media handles /checking by writing on our official email-id. Motilal Oswal Financial Services limited (MOFSL) details w.r.t.official website, social media handles, Customer Care email id are given below.
MOFSL Website:
Social Media handles: Links
Customer Care Email-id:
Exchanges are also publishing and updating all issued press releases on its website under ‘Media coverage and Press releases issued to caution investors’ heading. Refer following links to view press release.
- &
- &
Clients are also requested to bring this communication to knowledge of your friends and relatives. Never fall prey to greed. Stay safe from scammers.
We noticed that some unscrupulous individuals intending to defraud innocent investors are using fake message group and social media groups and fake mobile applications by illegally posing as our employees or misusing our company’s name or logo. HENCE WE REQUEST YOU TO NOT ENGAGE WITH THE FOLLOWING ENTITIES.
Instagram post
Whatsapp group
- WhatsApp Link:-
- WhatsApp Link:-
- WhatsApp Link:-
- MOTILAL OswAL No. 373
- AAA Motilal Oswal
- MOTILAL OSWAL-306 group
- MOTILAL OSWAL-109 group
- Motilal Oswal-group J1
- Motilal Oswal-group J1
- Motilal Oswal Investment
- Motilal Oswal Securites
- [P2] Motilal Oswal Securities
- F-05 Motilal Oswal Securities
- (3Q) VIP One –To-One Tuto.”
- (XXX) Motilal Oswal Asset”
- VIP Motilal Oswal Investment Advisory A8”.
- F3 Motilal Oswal Financial Services”
- Motilal Oswal –group B1
- Motilal Oswal No. 397
- T 1 Motilal Oswal Official group
- Motilal Oswal-Official(K-A)
- Motil Oswal Saksji Singh
- Motilal Oswal Securities
- Motilal Oswal – Official (I-1)
- Motilal Oswal-Official [J-33]
- F- 26B Motilal Oswal Offical
- A-56 Motilal Oswal Private Motilal Oswal Finances Services
- 7 Motilal Oswal Private Wealth Official
- A Motilal Oswal 2245
- Motilal Oswal Official
- A2 VIP Motilal Oswal Financial Services Portfolio
- C7 Motilal Oswal Private Wealth
- VIP1 Motilal Oswal Private Wealth Management
- Motilal Oswal Private Wealth App
- Motilal Oswal Strategy Group M4
- Motilal Oswal Investment Club
- A215 Motilal Oswal Invest Club
- C5 Motilal Oswal investment advisory Group
- Motilal Oswal Fund Invests ClubD-520
- Motilal Oswal Profit Club
- A8 Motilal Oswal Profit
- Motilal Oswal Group
- 177 VIP Motilal Oswal Private Wealth
- Motilal Oswal Investment Club Members
- G-5 Motilal Oswal Financial Services
- A41 Motilal Oswal Financial Services
- Motilal Oswal Financial Club
- Motilal Oswal Wealth AllianceA772
- Motilal Oswal Wealth Manage-F702
- Motilal Oswal Grp Sneha
- (M2) Motilal Oswal Fina
- [100] Motilal Oswal I
- Motilal Oswal Invest Club D556
- Motilal Oswal Financial Club J116
- Motilal Oswal Open VIP Accoun
- Motilal Oswal Invstment Club
- VIP Service Group#307
- Motilal Oswal Wealth
- Motilal Oswal Financial Club J268
- Motilal Oswal Profit Club M5666
- E4 Motilal Oswal Resource Sharing Club️
- A41 Motilal Oswal Financial Club
- Motilal Oswal Investment Club
Fake application
- APP link -
pcampaignid=web_share&referrer=utm_source%3Dapps.facebook.c -
Fake Algo Platform provider
- Tech Genius IT Solutions
Mobile numbers
- +91 9643599846 , +080-27580481, +91 9824086874, +91 7019616754, +91 6363434771, +91 9040983715, +91 8660780874, +91 8093031446, +91 8431458189, + 91 8456922049 +91 7894132711, +91 9548179623 +91 9449588764, +91 9483373824, +91 9235318742, +91 8112848610, +919832257787, +91 9401989926, +91 8932093341, +91 95285 47804, +91 79836 42958, +91 99564 33514, +91 93822 36329 +91 9685583508 +91 8019981131 +91 9755647834 +91 9601696713 + 91 9601696713, + 91 8867408079, +91 7727849542, +91 9358338545, + 91 7728960844, + (213) 913-2095, + (626) 738-5202, + 91 8237107418, + 91 9601999610, + 91 9601865886, +91 7698274674, +91 9601849732, + 91 9032922897, +91 (323) 952-9402, +91 8734869507, +91 9157360249, +91 9601059987, + (626) 742-5527, +91 9589429316, + (626) 738-5208, + (626) 742-5494, + (626) 742-5534, + (626) 742-5581, + 91 9651243188. +91 8869018234, +91 8982788471, +91 7217592053, +91 7037155053, +91 7219446519, +91 7898598650, +91 8923247481, +91 8923421218 +91 9601699004, +91 9179878294, +91 9601101458, +91 8121791607, +91 8303767844, +91 9601016538 +91 9116453252, +91 8867408079, +91 8769856099, +91 7737893684, +91 8960725487 +91 9531759467 +91 8090009069, +91 8374224192, +91 8599902348, +91 8967931297, +91 9035991058, +91 9155749165, +91 9535423406, +91 9730487618, +62 831-2478-6954, +91 7586950069, +91 8536953372 +91 9601640457 +91 9289021925, +91 9601699336, +91 9521832854, +91 9601096685, + 91 9601375920, + 91 9601409476 +91 8431259256, + 919092046048, + 91 909262894. +91 9263451096 +91 936617488, +91 8092500896, +91 8732857967. +91 7364048649, + 91 7205912905, +91 9021556982, +91 7751964624.+91 9449730245, +91 9433223913, +91 9423135720 +91 9929894801 +9198768 28296, +91 9601565951, +91 895617870 +91 8448120670, +91 765898463, +91 7892084442, +91 9032584048, +91 8093489654, +91 7318043732, +91 8176859794, +91 9121305229, +91 9601974210, +91 8125984967, +91 9601935172, +91 9601174063, +91 9032557453, +91 7899867681, +91 9133486687, +91 8050056141, +91 8074139071, +91 9032978517, +91 9109828875, +91 8923672881, +91 9414156539, +91 9601387424, +91 9601872982, +1(323)904-1856, +91 8866089847, +91 7605816798, +91 9601406828, +91 9601874181, +91 9601171688, +91 7970603989, +91 9752977360, +91 8121434474, +91 9589496252, +91 7428839021, +91 9253367295, +91 8121436840, +91 9601657690, +44 7450554060, +91 7024193192, +91 9601942144, +91 9601745717, +91 9319834764, +91 7508649271, +91 9601432397, +91 9601927579, +91 9601456956, +91 8735826718, +91 9601060208, +91 9601077883, +91 9601149360, +91 7673957457, +91 9652044926, +91 7738083168, +91 7302354609, +91 860266946, +91 7208650285, +91 8793540349, +91 9109723183, +91 8962523104, 977-981-1199722, +91 9831130732, +1(201) 873-9950, +1(570)290-6782, +91 7305387932, +91 8438524966, +91 8438577642, +91 8438728897, +91 9525225113 +91 9566876126, +91 9771046916, +91 8306843093, +91 9566247466, +91 8096032896, +91 9894058446, +91 8087617905, +91 8220527365, +91 8977154979, +91 8340963743, +1 (407) 575-9309, +91 8010479174, +1 (808) 233- 3927, +1 (820) 831-7522, +22375973466, +1 (820) 8377565, +91 8795370991, +91 62819-9155-2556, +91 9035991058, +91 8434685744, +91 8090009060, +91 8427034350, +91 9759498328, +91 8307605612, +91 8305097596, +91 8292254551, +91 9350786397, +91 6287634345 +1 (272) 235-8674, +1 (317) 362-9297, +1 (617) 369-2700, +91 9163659031, +91 8535017765, +91 7302531936, + 91 8126529764, +91 8008291406, +91 78451479951, +91 9511193830, +91 7349331289, +91 7880865919, +91 8858868672, +91 8604676518, +91 (559) 469-1617, +91 7548826375, +91 8448682712, +91 8121185746, 8870564817/ 9253278145 , 9092653726 / 9289815902, 7730955248, 9956863642, +91 8147318591, +91 7659041956, +91 7217234487, +91 9253370702, +91 9695413883, +91 8115479002, +91 7080938779, +91 7518746887, +91 8121743776, +91 9032640937, +1 (213) 547-0691, +1 (912) 272 4872, +91 9228846953, +91 70929 87375, +91 8427673392, +91 7087536172, +91 8427673392, +91 8427483459, +91 99162614450, +91 88263058, +91 9695413883, +91 8115479002, +91 7080938779, +91 7518746887, +91 9307803855, 8799085928, 7872994284
Wishing you safe and secured investment.
- Be an Investor, Not a Follower
- Investing is a marathon, not a sprint race
- Investment is about compounding, not doubling
- Hollow Investments will give hollow returns
- Invest only in regulated products
- Always update your contact details with your Broker & DP
- Contract note is as good as your invoice - Very important
- Online Dispute Resolution - ODR
In order to view collateral details and in compliance with SEBI circular dated July 20 2021, NCL,NCCL, MCXCCL has provided a web portal facility to allow clients to view their disaggregated collateral placed with Member and as reported by them.
In order to view collateral details, please find below link. Investors need to get registered in order to view the client collateral data.
Investors can refer circular NCL/CMPL/49348 dated September 29 2021, for registration and viewing collateral details in the website
Click here to check Client Collateral Details. link is provided in the attached circular -
In order to view collateral details, please find below link. Investors need to get registered in order to view the client collateral data.
Click here to check Client Collateral Details. link is provided in the attached circular -
In order to view collateral details, please find below link. Investors need to get registered in order to view the client collateral data.
Click here to check Client Collateral Details. link is provided in the attached circular
- Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), vide Circular no. 09/08/24 dated August 28, 2024, has informed that Vigilance Awareness Week for the year 2024 (VAW 2024) would be observed from October 28, 2024 to November 03, 2024, on the following theme. VAW is observed every year during this week in which birthday of Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Falls.
- “सत्यनिष्ठा की संस्कृनि से राष्र की समृद्धि”
“Culture of Integrity for Nation's Prosperity” - Vigilance Awareness Week is one of the Participative Vigilance initiatives of the Central Vigilance Commission in the fight against corruption. It is an awareness building and outreach measure which aims to bring together all the stakeholders. It is observed to create greater sensitivity about the need for ethics and transparency in governance and public administration.
Take E-pledge by accessing following link -