Champions of Motilal Oswal doing the champions dance step.
Champion partners of Motilal Oswal doing the champions dance step.
Ask-and-win spot prizes.
Mr. Motilal Oswal inaugurating the Fintech Expo.
Mr. Motilal Oswal and Mr. Ajay Menon checking out the latest technological developments at MOSL through VR glasses.
Partners enjoying the Bull ride game
Dr. Subramanian Swamy (Economist, Ex-Harvard Professor & Sr. BJP Leader) – India’s Political Economic Ratio
Mr. Gaur Gopal Das (Personal Coach, Monk, Lifestyle & Motivational Strategist)
Mr. Motilal Oswal welcoming partners
Mr. Nilesh Shah (MD, Kotak Asset Management) – Our 3 passions: Cricket, Bollywood & Investing
Ms. Roopa Venkatraman (Independence Financial Advisor) – Think Big. Think AUM.
Mr. Rajesh Jain (Founder & MD, Netcore Solutions) – Digistan in an Election Year.
Mr. Venkatesh Iyer (MD & CEO, Goli Vada Pav), My Dream to Destiny
Panel discussion on ‘Alternate Investments in Contradictory Markets’
Mr. Sharad Mittal (CEO, Motilal Oswal Real Estate) – A real Investing opportunity.
An interactive session “Raamdeo Agrawal se Bees Sawaal”
Samsung A6+ Mobile winner for best question asked during Raamdeo Agrawal se bees sawaal.
Mr. Atul Khatri (ACE Standup Comedian) delivering tummy tickling comedy.
Mr. Gaurav Manihar delivering session on “ We are the Champions”
High octane MOSL partner family