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What are Freak Trades

What are Freak Trades


If you are an active trader in the Indian stock market, you might have heard of the term "freak trade" or have seen some examples on social media. A freak trade usually happens when a big company or trader makes a big mistake. This mistake is so vast and wrong that it can mess up the value of a whole bunch of stocks (or even a group of stocks called an index). For instance, in India's stock market, there exists the Nifty index.

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Reasons for Freak Trades

A freak trade can happen due to various reasons, such as:

Examples of Freak Trades

Some examples of freak trades that have occurred in the Indian market are:

How do Freak Trades Affect the Market?

Freak trades have a significant effect on the market. These are:

How to Protect Yourself from Freak Trades?

As a trader, you cannot completely eliminate the risk of freak trades, but you can take some measures to mitigate your losses.


Freak trades are rare but unpredictable events that can cause huge losses or gains for traders and affect the market dynamics. As a trader, you should be aware of the causes and consequences of freak trades and take steps to protect yourself from them. By using limit orders, avoiding market orders, using stop-loss orders, monitoring your positions, and diversifying your portfolio, you can reduce your exposure and mitigate your losses from freak trades.

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