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How to Place a Margin Trade On the MO Trader App

Margin Trade

The current age we live in is all about digitisation, so why should trading be any different? Most prominent brokers in India have platforms where traders can easily open a trading account and a Demat account and start trading almost instantly. Moreover, besides the efficiency that trading websites give you in their user-friendly platforms, brokers give you smart applications that can easily be downloaded on your phone to trade while you are on the move. The MO Trader is one such application, offering you seamless trading experiences when you engage in margin trading.

About Margin Trading

The MO Trader is an effective app that can be used by the novice trader and the experienced analyst. For margin trading, you can easily download the MO Trader app from the Apple Store or the Google Playstore and begin your trading. Before you go ahead and download this app, you should be aware that it is typically used for margin trading for the purpose of intraday trades. Additionally, you should also have some idea about margin trading itself, in advance of your trading activity.

You can best understand the concept of margin trading with an illustrative example. In case you wish to buy 100 shares of a company worth Rs. 5  lakhs, then you could place an order for the same and decide that it will be bought for intraday trading. If you specify your choice in this way, you won’t have to pay the full price of 100 shares. Your broker can give you a safe margin of nearly 4 to 5 times the amount. Therefore, your purchase of 100 shares could cost you as little as Rs. 2 lakhs. However, the rider in all of this is that you will stringently be permitted to undertake intraday trading only with the specified 100 shares of the given company. Margin trading gives you the facility of not having to use all your funds to trade at a single go, and your trades may reap large returns to make up margin amounts.

Margin Trading Online

To trade in margins on the MO Trader, you should first download the app. Depending on the operating system of your smartphone, you can do this without delay from the Apple Store or the Google Playstore. If you are just starting to use this app, don’t worry, you can go through the following steps to begin your online trading with margins:

  1. Open the app.
  2. You can open a Demat account first, in case you are a brand new client of Motilal Oswal. If you already have an existing account with the broker, you can simply log in to the app.
  3. When you have successfully logged in to your account, you can click on the tab that says, ‘Add New Watchlist’.
  4. Then, all you need to do is to choose shares of the companies you wish to engage in trading and wish to monitor.
  5. Out of all the companies you have on your list, pick one. Click on this.
  6. A page that displays the options of ‘Buy’ and ‘Sell’ will be displayed.
  7. You can select one of the options and you will be requested to provide your ID proof. Submit this.
  8. After you press on ‘Submit’, a page that shows you different products will pop up.
  9. The products indicate the functions of trading you wish to undertake, in this case, margin trading. Therefore, you must select the option of ‘Margin Plus’.
  10. After this, you can choose the amount of shares you wish to buy from the company previously chosen.
  11. Press the ‘Place Order’ tab and ‘Confirm’ and your order for margin trading has been successfully processed.

Prudent Trading

You can conveniently use the versatile MO Trader for all your trading and investment needs, and open a Demat account in a few brief steps. Motilal Oswal is a good platform to learn about margin trading and has a gamut of resources for you to take advantage of.

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