6 mins read
How to formulate a trading strategy for volatile markets?

Trading strategy

Ask anybody about their trading strategy in volatile markets and their immediate response will be to point out to the India VIX that has been consistently falling over the last 7 months. In fact, since the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States in early November 2016, the volatility in Indian markets as well as across global markets has been on a clear downtrend. Volatility Index (VIX) is also known as the Fear Index and captures the extent of fear in the market. Normally a high level of VIX is a sign of fear in the market and tends to be followed by a correction in the markets. But they, why worry about such things when the VIX has literally halved in the last 7 months and is almost threatening to go into single-digit territory?

1.  In a long-term bull market, cash is king in volatile times..

2.  There is no point in trying to time the market, but do use benchmarks

3.  Keep investing regularly; that is safer and simpler

4.  If you are a trader, stick to your trading plan and your risk tolerance
risk tolerance

5.  Preserving your capital is the top priority

6.  Profit is what is booked; all else is book profit

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