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How to apply for pan card

pan card application form

PAN card application can be done either online or by visiting a PAN facilitation centre run by NSDL or UTISL. The form that is used to apply for a PAN card is Form 49A, which can also be downloaded from the website. This form is to be used for applying for a fresh PAN card and also for modifying any details pertaining to an existing PAN card. Let us look at how to apply for a PAN card online and how to fill up the PAN card application form.

How to go about applying for a PAN card?

You can make an application for PAN either online or you can go to the nearest PAN facilitation centre and apply for the same. Most CAs and auditors also help you with the PAN application process. Requests for changes or correction in PAN data may also be made online. Here is how to apply for PAN Card online: Online application of PAN can be made on the NSDL website or UTIITSL website. Both these organizations have been authorized by the government of India to issue the PAN or to make changes/corrections in the PAN on behalf of the Income Tax Department. While offline process can be used in case you are not comfortable with the online process, the online process is the most hassle-free way of obtaining PAN. The applicant is just required to fill and submit the online application form along with online payment of the respective processing fee. The fee is just about Rs.100 plus GST as applicable from time to time. Copies of required documents can then be sent by post to either NSDL or UTIITSL, for verification purposes appropriately self attested by the person applying for the PAN. In case of minors, one of the parents can attest on behalf of the minor.

Detailed steps to apply for a PAN card online

The first step is to submit the PAN card application Form 49A available on the NSDL. The details can be filed online and you must have all your documents and details ready so that there is no mismatch between details given and details in your records. You can access this page at the following hyper link:

The second step is to fill in all the details in the form. It is suggested that you first read the detailed instructions before furnishing the details in the form. These are available as part of the form itself. See the snapshot of the form below:

Once your form is filled and fully verified, the next step is to make the payment. The same fee is payable whether you are making a fresh application for PAN or whether you are using the same to modify your existing PAN details. The charges for applying for PAN is Rs. 93 (excluding GST, which is an additional 18%) for Indian communication address and Rs. 864 (excluding GST) for foreign communication address. Payment of application fee can be made through credit/debit card, demand draft or net-banking. On successful payment, acknowledgment will be displayed. Ensure to save a snapshot of this acknowledgement number for future reference. In case you can want to follow up on the PAN card, you can quote the acknowledgement number to follow up on the status.

The final step is to physically send a list of documents to the NSDL. Once the application and payment are accepted, the applicant is required to send all the supporting documents through courier/post to NSDL. Only after the receipt of the documents, PAN application would be processed by NSDL. Documents include one proof of identity, one proof of address and one proof of date of birth. Photocopies of these documents can be sent across but must be duly self attested.

Once these documents are physically sent to the NSDL office in Pune, your task is done. Once the NSDL centre in Pune receives these documents, they will verify the requisite documents and then based on the details, a fresh PAN card will be issued to you. This PAN card normally reaches you in 10-12 days. Before sending you the PAN card by courier, NSDL or UTIISL will send you an SMS and an email confirming the despatch and the details of your PAN card. That completes your PAN application process.

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